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  1. I'm sure everyone at the church this morning will agree that the ceremony was truly wonderful. Just before it started, I was asked by the page boy why brides wear white. Now, I thought it might be a bit tricky to explain to a child about how it represented bridal innocence and purity. And it would also be a bit outdated – although not in Linda’s case, of course. So I told him that brides wear white because they are happy. “But if brides wear white because they are happy”, he said, “Do the men wear black and grey because they are sad?”

  2. I think the page boy, Andrew, deserves a special mention for doing such a great job today without really understanding what was going on. He did ask though if I could say a few words on his behalf, so here goes: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, although I am only 4 and a half, I can already drink my Uncle Paul under the table. So if anyone fancies buying me a cold one, in the interests of licensing laws, I would be grateful if you would send it to me care of the best man, Jason.’

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