Political activists

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  1. While we may not all agree with Paul and Linda’s politics, we certainly must respect the intensity in which they pursue their agendas. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s how Paul snagged Linda in the first place. He used the same veracity he uses in activism to gain Linda’s love. Unfortunately for Paul, Linda vetoed his first three attempts, but Paul never gave up, and it’s a good thing he didn’t or none of us would be here celebrating the union of this wonderful couple.

  2. As we all know, Jon and Jennifer are true activists. They work for non-profits and spend their days trying to improve the lives of those less fortunate. How fitting that they caught each other's glance at a protest rally three years ago. In a tightly packed crowd of screaming people, they found one another, started dating, and eventually fell in love. Hollywod could not write a better script. But for the two of you and all of us, it is the real deal, and we are all blessed to be a part of your story book love affair.

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