Genuine accolades

Here is a selection of comments received from some of our customers.

  • "This site is quality!.........My best man speech was great thanks to the library of one-liners I had access to. I pinched some great jokes, and rolled them together with my own material, and out came a masterpiece........."
    Ross Cozens, Watford, UK
  • "I am extremely pleased with the content of this website. I shared a house with the groom and I’ve found plenty of funny things I can say about our time together. It’s great that you can find jokes and one-liners to suit lots of different scenarios."
    Neil Potter, Barnet, UK
  • "Hi there, I found your site to be a terrific help with my best man speech back in February. I now have another to give this week and I’m delighted to see that my login is valid for 12 months. Awesome!"
    Andrew Coombs, Marlow, UK
  • "Hi, just a quick one to give a big thank you to the people behind this fantastic site. You don't realise how much this helped for my best man speech at the weekend. Well worth a tenner!"
    Chris Walters, Worthing, UK
  • "This is hands-down the best wedding speech website on the net."
    Randy Harrison, Nasthua, New Hampshire
  • "Excellent site and I will recommend it to my friends and would certainly use it again if I am ever fortunate enough to be asked to be best man again."
    Richard Stebbings, Bristol, UK
  • "I wanted to let you know that thanks to your site my best man speech went down a storm. The bride’s parents, being extremely devout, made this a particularly tough gig as I was reminded time and time again by their friends and family. Knowing that I had good material to work with meant that I could stand up with confidence and deliver an entertaining speech. I was still receiving thanks from the family and the bride and groom days later. The feeling of relief and satisfaction having done a cracking job is still with me. Thanks again."
    Adam Richardson, Felixstowe, UK
  • "Two days after finding your website I stood up in front of 168 people and delivered my speech – and it brought the house down! It was cocky and sincere all wrapped into one. Everyone was congratulating me on my speech, even a 93 year old gran was laughing. Thank you so much, your site saved my reputation! I will be recommending it to everyone I know."
    Martin O’Grady, Kingsbury, UK
  • "My Bestman Speech was on October 1st and thanks to you guys, I went down an absolute storm! Wouldn't have been able to do it without you - I reckon my speech was 50% you lot 50% my own but 100% inspired by your fantastic site. Well worth the subscription - you earned it my friends. Keep up the good work."
    Nick Trewin, Exeter, UK
  • "Thanks for making me sound so good!"
    Joel Cuello, Dallas, Texas

See our best man speech joke database and best man speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.