Genuine accolades

Here is a selection of comments received from some of our customers.

  • " gave me a timely insight into best man speech ideas, structures and jokes. Of particular benefit to me was the speech plan section, which allowed me rapidly to find relevant lines. The depth of material provided is second to none."
    Larry Teagan, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • "I logged into the site for the first time 20 minutes ago. It’s just the solution I was praying for to help me write my speech."
    Lorrie Johnson, Forest City, Arkansas
  • "Here in the States the bestman speech seems a lost or undeveloped art….tho I may have been at one recently where the bestman had made use of your services…Maybe it was the beautiful setting, the gorgeous day, the flowing ale or even his brogish accent, but he gave the best damn bestman speech most of us had ever heard; taking us from laughter to tears and back with ease…a truly masterful performance. Thanks for the memory! Have a great day."
    Jim Florian, Lincolnshire, Illinois
  • "I used your website to make my best man speech and the organiser of the reception, who has done 50 weddings this year so far, said it was the best speech she had ever heard. To say my ego was boosted was an understatement. It took 5 people to help me get my swollen head through the door on the way out. Anyway, many thanks and keep up the good work."
    Ewan Carr, Wycombe, UK
  • "Just wanted to say a big big thank you for producing this website!! I was asked to be best man a couple of weeks ago. The scary thing was that I’d only ever been to one wedding in the past so had no idea what to expect or what to do and you can probably guess I was a little nervous to say the least. Your website gave me guidance on every aspect of my speech duties and I managed to produce an awesome speech with loads and loads of jokes that everyone was laughing at, both old and young. I actually really enjoyed it once I got going and even had a number of people come up to me after the speech to congratulate me and tell me how good it was."
    Tony Hull, Plymouth, UK
  • "Thanks very much for creating a brilliant web site. My speech went down a storm and I would recommend this to anyone. Well worth the membership price."
    Anthony Codd, Kelso, UK
  • "My best man’s speech went down very well at the weekend, much due to both my preparation and your website – a good investment and thoroughly recommended."
    John Tanner, Ipswich, UK
  • "This is just a short message to say thank you for providing this great site. It helped me no end and my speech was a great success – mainly thanks to the wide ranging content supplied within this site. Once more, thank you, and I shall recommend this site to anybody having to make a wedding speech."
    Simon Bryden, Falkirk, UK
  • "The speech went down an absolute treat - I surpassed my own expectations thanks to the material I got from your website, it certainly paid off."
    Will Gopfert, Torquay, UK
  • "My Savior! This website saved me. Without it I would have looked stupid. My best man speech reduced people to tears. I received pats on the back and drinks all night."
    Nate Jackson, Detroit, Michigan

See our best man speech joke database and best man speech examples for ideas on how to organise your wedding speech.